KS Fallout

Remember Who We Are

I was Thorngrub on KS: welcome to my blog.
Leave comments under any of the posts (anonymous comments accepted)!
Come back later to see who replied. Set the bait & wait!
[my Nothing review coming soon]

Follow by email . . . Just do it! +

+It's been 3 years since there was activity on this blog.
I'm now reconstructing it in the wake of The Nothing.
The way this will work is simple.
Step 1: Subscribe by email (it's free)
Step 2: You will be notified by email when a new post goes up
Step 3: Leave comments under the posts (or just lurk I guess)
Step 4: Keep hitting the REFRESH button to see if anyone
else has commented and/or replied to your comments.
Step 5: Rinse...repeat. It's just that simple.

The more fans uv koRn who voluntarily participate here,
the more fun we will all have. See you around, in real time...

Feel free to leave comments on old posts.
Gotta stir things up here in order to get a response...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

S.Kwiecinski: 8th Fukker: Official Last Living Soul

Welcome, Stephen Kwiecinski, you are number eight (enjoisk8ing5 on KS), welcome to the fold of unfolding fukkers who sign on here during the fallout from the shutdown of the legendary kornspace. Eventually, I'll figure out how to get the simple CHAT function going here, and that is all that this place will ultimately become....and then some. You are the Last Living Soul. Free to roam these cyber thru ways and let us know about your experiences relating in any fashion whatsoever to the Bakersfield quartet known as KORN formerly a quintet but ever happened to Head and DAvid? We'll leave that for another time, another place, and another chat session. Meanwhile, here is your OFFICIAL THEME SONG: Every other KS member who is registered here can look to SK as their Field Marshal over lost matters of the soul. I'm making up your automaticavatar now....here it is:


  1. Awright, SK ! Thanks for the comment man. It's what I wanted the KSbs peeps to do here...comment away, leave a thread for posterity. Good jobl. So I had to take a wild guess as to which of the 4 gorillaz avs to give you....I hope you approve of my choice. Soon as I can get a Chatbox up and functioning here, we can all just dive in and chat away about anything. I gotta put up some korn shit lol.
